
Posts Tagged ‘English Teaching’

Very quickly, before things get really ugly this week (“‘Tis the season to grade papers, fa lala lala, lala la la”), I thought I’d honor a timeworn tradition here at $4MT for the non-denominational holiday season, i.e. “Xmas crap!”  Besides, I haven’t posted anything even remotely useful for a while, and it is better to give than to receive, or so they say, so…

Here’s a link to last year’s version, with the annual link to Alex Case’s Xmas grammar goodies and my own Run DMC “Christmas in Hollis” gapfill worksheets.  Yupi!

Then there’s also my links to other Christmas stuff, a decent Mr. Bean active viewing thing, and a writing exercise from ol’ Boggle’s World.

Right, now then, without further ado, I give you this year’s model, featuring once again my favorite Brad Neely creation the Professor Brothers.  “This IS Christmas music!”

As you will find below, I’ve got this little thingy here if that’s your cup of tea–You know, a little prediction task with some stills from the video and some thought bubbles…then a little listening gapfill.  Then you know you can, like, talk about, like Christmas stuff or Kwanzaa or what have you.

Ah, I should add that the gapfill is meant to focus on the construction I wish/(s)he wishes + past/past perfect.

Prisoner pictures (the pictures)


Merry Christmas!

(Ah, and if you like the Professor Brothers and think you have some students might as well, have a look at this other lesson–talking about the future, nice for New Year, you know…)

Ah, and I forgot to mention, Hall Houston recently put up a nice list of links to holiday stuff over at his blog. So for those of you scouring desperately for something other than yule-log wordsearches or whatever, get on that.

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Recently Alex over at TEFLtastic has been pondering questions such as “Why are Advanced level textbooks so crap?” and “Do you need to be able to discuss globalization to be Advanced?”

Regarding that first one, various commenters at the post in question were quick to point  to factors such as 1) “weird grammar bits and obscure vocabulary”, 2) “trying to do and crowd in too much”, and 3) publishers “don’t care that much” about Advanced textbooks (being that they don’t sell as much as Elementary level books).

In the Advanced textbook I’m using now–like pretty much every textbook of any level ever produced by anyone ever (for adult learners at least)–there’s a unit on the Lottery.

In this case, it’s an excuse to review mixed conditionals, expressing regret (“I wish I had bought a ticket”, “If only I could win the Pick-6″, and so forth), you know, all that good stuff.  Being not so enthused about the listening and the ensuing”grammary”, “conditional-y” segment in the coursebook, I dove into the multimedia miasma that is Youtube in search of some at least nominally relevant video to show the class, and came up with this:

Psyched I was, being that the target language was right there waiting for them at the end.  (“My wife said she wished she’d torn the ticket up”, “Do you wish you’d never won?”).  Plus there was the perverse attraction of doing something different–something depressing.  I’m usually one to constantly play up everything for yuks, so this seemed like a nice change of pace from my “thuggish-cracker” sense of humor (Nick Jaworski dixit).

I made a little task sheet to go along with the video, which is here: “LOTTERY CURSE“.

Before showing the video, I would play the first minute or so with the sound off, introducing the “characters” (Jack, Brandi, and Jesse), and getting students to talk about them, what their relation is, and what they think will happen to the three of them.

Then distribute the handout, play it once all the way through and have them try to complete the sentences 1-10.  You may need to start it around 4:18 the second time around for students to get the last three sentences in.  Check the answers as a class, move on to part II of the worksheet and discuss.

Then in the last part, students write a sentence using the extremely skeletal prompt in part III.  This is meant to elicit a variety of conditionals–2nd, 3rd, mixed, whatever.  When they’ve finished, have some students come up to the board and write their sentences.  Then you can compare and contrast the forms, the meaning, etc., transitioning into whatever controlled practice activity floats your boat thereafter.

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So I’ve just decided to start a series of articles on $4MT dedicated to the classics.  No, not Homer or Aristotle or none of them cats–I’m referring to classic English teaching activities that every teacher has probably used (or could probably use) and which in my own experience I’ve made use of time and time again.

The first one is in this series is that oldie but goodie: “I saw you…”

I first came across this activity in the classic 700 Classroom Activities by David Seymour and Maria Popova (MacMillan English).   Its purpose is mainly to practice using narrative tenses. (more…)

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Want to spice up a dull food-and/or-restaurant-related unit with your Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate students?  Or you want to set up a unit related to language for making complaints?  Or perhaps you just want to give your tourist-industry class a quick laugh and have a little discussion.

If any of the above are true in your case, then I heartily welcome you to the Burgundy Loaf:


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As promised last time, another song.

(Note: I do not like the Killers.  They are definitely not my thing.  Apart from the fact that $4MT has had a strong hip-hop/R&B bias in its musical slant, I should note that the Killers for me are well on their way to dethroning U2 for the post of Most Overrated Rock Band.

But I had another special request from a student who said it was his favorite song.  He just wanted to know what the words were.  Luckily, I was able to extrapolate a slightly more relevant teaching point than just “What’s he sayin’?”, being that there’s a ton of little phrasal verbs and what not to be picked apart.)

There’s two parts basically to this worksheet.  You may or may not want to fold it neatly in half before giving it to the students.

Mr. Brightside song activity (MS Word doc, 22 KB)

 1. Start with the words from the first part on two columns on the board and elicit combinations.  They don’t have to correspond to the ones used in the song.  Get students to give you example sentences for each combination.  Do a little mime game if you want.  All that good stuff.

2. Then students listen to the song and fill in the blanks.  Then after that you can ask them what the hell this guy is talking about.  For example, what the hell is “turning saints into the sea” supposed to mean?  (Personally, I can’t stand this sort of pretentious fake-poetry rock lyrics.  Another example from a Killers song, “Are we human or are we dancers?”–um, you’re probably both, idiot.  But I digress.)

After you’ve got at least one or two possible ideas, show them the video.

Elicit what they think the situation is–how are the singer and the girl in the video related, etc., etc.

As a writing exercise, have Ss choose to be either the singer or the girl in the video.  They must write a diary entry about what happened to them in the song, starting like this: “Last night, I went to a party and…”

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My god, it’s been ages since I posted anything here.  Almost a month.  Christ almighty, where is my motivation?

Well, I guess part of it can be chalked up to that seasonal syndrome of motivational dysfunction known as “spring fever”.  Maybe it’s really a physical, neurological/endocrinal phenomenon related to the change in season.   (Maybe one of you reading in this in the tropics or Southern Hemisphere can clear me up on this?  Do the months of May and June also correspond to this particular sort of malaise?) (more…)

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Wow!  Look!  There’s a new post on $4MT that doesn’t make reference to any sort of controversial subject matter whatsoever!  My lord!

No, nothing too revolutionary, but this was just something that occurred to me out of the blue in the middle of a First Certificate class I do.

I had on hand my bag of phrasal verb cards which I use to play phrasal verb reversi, and I realized that, out of luck, a few of the sentences I’d pulled from the bag could conceivably be part of the same story.

” It turned out that Bill and Mary had met before…”

“…She offered to drop him off at the station…”

“…He was so tired that he dropped off for half an hour on the train.”

So, on a lark, I gave the students the sentences, spaced out so as to imply “gaps” in the story.  Then I told them to complete the story, working together to fill in the gaps in the narrative.

In addition to providing a context to review and reinforce the meanings and forms of the phrasal verbs in question, it’s also decent practice of narrative tenses, etc.

All told, a quite easy collaborative speaking exercise that allows for review of phrasal verbs and can be extended with a writing exercise for homework.

Other possibilities for the phrasal verb story outlines:

“I came across an interesting article on the internet the other day…”

“…The police are looking into the matter…”

“…The president has promised to bring about a change…” (good ones for “newsy”, “current-events” type lessons)


“Some people find it difficult to face up to their fears in life…”

“…He came up with a solution to the problem…”

“…They carried on with the meeting as usual.”


“I bumped into Jill the other day at random in the street.”

“…I didn’t want to bring up such a sensitive subject…”

“…but he didn’t let the bad news get him down.

If you get the notion, you can suggest some other possibilities in the ol’ Comments section.  (It helps to have maybe a proper name (ie “Tina”, “James”) and then some loose pronouns in the others.)

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(Oops!!! I forgot to attach the worksheet at first! Sorry!)


guilty-conscience-task-sheet (MS Word doc, 39 KB)

– Eminem “Guilty Conscience” video (click here)

In recent months, a private student of mine, a teenage boy with a lower Upper-Intermediate (yeah, I know, right, huh?  By that I mean a kid who is basically forced to prepare for the FCE at school although he doesn’t really have the level to do so) level seems to have become obsessed with Eminem.

Evidently he saw “8 Mile” not too long ago (more than a couple of years late, I might add) and so now, instead of the crap Spanish adolescent rock-pop he was listening to before (El Canto del Loco and other lame bullhockey of that nature), he’s all into some Eminem.

He asked me if we could do something in English class related to the song “Guilty Conscience” by your boy Slim Shady himself and Dr. Dre.  And I said, “O.K.”  And in fact, as he was recently reviewing reported speech and so forth, I realized hey, this is as good a song as any for practicing reported command verbs and so on.  Matter of fact, it lends itself quite well to said linguistic chore.

And so it was that, in the process of making a worksheet to accompany this song in our private class, I seem to have a created the single most un-P.C. piece of English Language Teaching material known to man.

I realize a lesson like this will be of little use in 99% of teaching situations around the world.  If nothing else, it should just go to show that you can adapt damn near anything for use in the language classroom.

Behold: I give you the “Guilty Conscience” Song / Reported Commands Worksheet and Lesson Plan.

(note: this songs features heaps and heaps of cuss words and unsavory topics such as armed robbery, “date rape” drugs, and marital infidelity.  Strictly for use with teenagers?)

Disclaimer: $trictly 4 my T.E.A.C.H.E.R.Z. accepts no responsibility for any jobs being lost, teachers being fired, students and/or parents complaining, etc., due to use of materials presented here which may or not be considered controversial or taboo. Teachers should use good judgment in choosing materials to be used with each student or group. Just putting that out there…!

STAGE ONE / Lead-in Discussion (5 min.)

Write the word “CRIME” on the board.  Elicit some words for different kinds of crime–murder, rape, kidnapping, drug-dealing, robbery, etc.  List them vertically on a piece of paper (or on the board).  Elicit the noun and verb form for each (to murder, to rape, to kidnap, to sell drugs, to rob and/or to steal)–this will help them in Part One of the handout.

When you have a good handful of crimes, have Ss rank the crimes from the most serious to the least serious.  (In a 1-to-1 class, you can do this together with the student, asking questions about the reasons for their choices.  With a group of student, you can put them in pairs or groups and have them discuss.  Then ask questions in feedback, recording the rankings of each group next to the words on the board.)

STAGE TWO /  Listening  (10-15 min.)

1. Give S the handout and play the video.  Set the gist questions (part one) – what does each person do in the song?

(Eddie robs a liquor store.  Stan has sex with a drunk girl.  Grady shoots his wife and her lover.)

2. Play the video again.  Who says what? -in part b, S listen and mark the speaker for each sentence. (Odd numbers – Eminem, even numbers – Dr. Dre)  After the second listen, quickly check the answers.

3. Focus on the words in bold and the definitions.  S match the words and the definitions.  (With a larger group, Ss can do this in pairs, with the teacher monitoring.)

4. Ask: “who is more likely to use these phrases: a young student at the University, or an old woman?  How would an old woman say these things in normal English?”  Elicit an answer for the first one.  When S understand the task, have them “translate” the sentences in pairs.  Board and correct as necessary.

5. Ask S what they would do in Grady’s situation.  How would they react if they caught their husband and wife in bed with another man?

PART THREE – GRAMMAR (15-20 min.)

1. Review reported commands – You may need to work with the example a bit before doing the exercise, explaining the backshifting of the verb, the change in demonstrative pronoun (“this liquor store”–>”that liquor store”, etc.  Write the example on a piece of paper.  Work with the student to get the correct reported verb structure with “to” + infinitive–or with “that”.  S do the examples individually.   (Possible answers: 1. Eminem told Eddie to go in and steal the money, etc. 2. Dr. Dre recommended that Eddie think about it before he walked in… 3. Eminem commanded Eddie to do that shit. 4. Dr. Dre advised Grady to think about the baby, etc. 5.  Dr. Dre ordered Grady to shoot them both.)

Check in feedback.  Go over any structural errors on the board as necessary.

2. Have S read the information in the box.  As they read, draw two rudimentary faces, a boy and a girl (with long hair, to tell them apart).  Draw a speech bubble coming from the boy’s mouth.  Give S time to read and then draw their attention to the board.

Write the sentence: “I’ll pay you back”  Elicit a sentence using a verb from the first column. (He promised to pay her back.)

Write the sentence: “Yes, we made a mistake.” (He admitted that they had made a mistake.) (You may want to point out that this sentence is also possible with the gerund–He admitted making a mistake.)

Write the sentence: “YOU stole my sandwich!” (He accused her of stealing his sandwich.) Then write another sentence, this time from the girl.  (“No I didn’t!”)  (She denied that she stole the sandwich.) (Or: She denied stealing the sandwich.)

In pairs, S use the sentences in part II of the worksheet to summarize Eddie’s story.  Afterwards, have  volunteers explain the story, correcting any incorrect use of the structures.


1. On the board draw another three faces–one big, two small.  Put a halo on one of the small ones, and some horns on the other.

Refer to the instructions in part IV of the handout.  Tell Ss to think of a time when they were tempted to do something bad. (They can make something up if necessary.) Tell them to imagine that they heard two voices telling them to do good and to do bad, have them write a a short paragraph for each one.

2. Put Ss in pairs and have them explain their situation to their partner, and what happened in the end.  Switch partners afterwards.

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As usual, this lesson is not recommended for uptight or super-“by-the-book” type classes and cultural situations.  Highly appropriate for most Western, university-aged students.  (Although a lot of EU residents may be unfamiliar with what exactly “customs” is.)

“Do You Have Anything to Declare?” Travel English / Customs Roleplay Lesson Plan

level: intermediate / upper-intermediate

aims: practice “travel english” and customs situation; noun and verbs forms


Mr. Show “Shampoo” video

do-you-have-anything-to-declare (MS Word document, 38 KB) (more…)

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Nothing really special to comment on here.

A couple of pairwork activities which may or may not be useful for certain classes of an elementary or pre-intermediate level.

One is a dice-game for making sentences with comparative adverbs.  I’d suggest filling in the boxes for people, verbs, and adverbs as a group and then distribute the dice and what not.  Click on the link below for the worksheet.


The other is for practicing superlatives.  Students fill in a chart and discuss their opinions on who is the most famous football player, which is the most beautiful city, etc. etc.  Then they create their own chart based on the first one and play a sort of “secret choice” game.


Gotta get back to work, hope this comes in handy for some of you.  Peace!

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